Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010


If there is one thing I'm crazy about in this world, (besides a 10 hour long sleep or a freshly made bolillo) it's books; and $1 books at that. The $1 bookstore in Burbank is one of my must stop shops when I'm in that area. The store is so half assed and unorganized and completely unpretentious that I can't help but love it. It's like that boy in school that is not your type at all, and you wonder to yourself what it is that attracts you to him but there is no good answer for it but none of it matters anyway because you guys or so far out of each other's radars that you'll probably never even exchange a word...or something like that.

Undoubtedly, one of the best things about this store is that they give you the books in brown paper bags, like when you were a little kid and your mom packed your lunch for field trips; or like when you were a teenage kid and you thought it was cool to drink beer with the brown paper bag on...or something like that.

Now I'll proceed to name and briefly describe them.

The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds
This was the Pulitzer prize winning play by Paul Zindel.
His other works include such titles as Confession of a Teenage Baboon; I Never Loved Your Mind; My Darling, My Hamburger and Pardon Me, You're Stepping On My Eyeball. Need I say More?

Barbara Kingsolver is the author of my favorite book thus far, The Lacuna. That moved me in ways I had never experienced before, and for that reason I will read anything she has to write. The dedication she wrote, sealed the deal: "-for Steven, Camille, and Lily, and for wilderness, where it lives".

The last book I purchased is Howard Norman's, The Bird Artist. Not only is the cover art amazing, (I know, I know...don't judge a book by its cover...but I always will) there is a quotation in the beginning of the story from Bassani's, The Heron.

Suddenly, with extreme violence, he felt himself seized by the desire to be,
rain or no rain, at any price, in the midst of the valleys: alone.

Oh ya, Luigi bought me these cool stickers with my name on 'em. Too bad they're from 1987 and don't stick anymore haha


Cool TV Exclusive

nothing is nearly this smooth anymore

Sunday, July 25, 2010

my newer of obsessions

Henri Rousseau

This is a flyer for a group exhibition in Chicago. I just love it

Friday, July 23, 2010

I got my hair did today. :)

I got some new additions to my dvd collection.

I got to eat some fried tofu tonight :)

It was a really nice day

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Holier Than Thou

I've gained seven pounds...I can't believe it.
This post is going to consist of only writing, which I rarely do now a days for some crazy reason when its my dream to be a writer...anywho...

Don't worry, this isn't going to be a rant about my weight or self image but it did get me thinking about how couples get very comfortable in their relationships and let themselves go or they don't think it's worth it to go out of their ways to do things they use to do at the beginning of the relationship when they wouldn't step out of the house unless everything was exactly as they had planned it out to be.

Personally, I fall very low in the comfortability spectrum of long term relationships. I'm a firm believer that there are some things that you should keep private and never let your significant other see you doing. It will be three years in November since my boyfriend and I have been together and there are certain things now that I do exactly the same as when I first met him and I plan for it to stay that way forever.

First off, I never fart in front of him.
This is kind of a tough one because I never have and never will fart in front of him, he farts in front of me and I'm alright with it unless it smells really bad and I have to leave to room. But in all truthfulness I love fart jokes and fart sounds. It might be immature but if someone makes a fart sound in a quiet room I will be the first to pop my head up with a huge smile on my face looking around at who did it so I can give them props.

Second, I never discuss monthly femenine details or number 2 details.
I think it's just nasty, it even grosses me out. No one wants to hear about your flow, no matter what end its coming from.

Lastly, there are certain things I will never wear in front of him or because of my dignity.
I will list them...
Number one: Sweats
honestly, when you've put on sweats there is nothing you can do to make yourself look more sloppy, nothing. Whether you're wearing an oversized shirt you got for free when you donated blood or you have on a tank top, you're still wearing sweats. You aren't dressed for anything else besides sitting on your butt and eating ben and jerry's.
Number two: Skin Toned Granny Panties
No. No matter what you do, they won't look cute, don't fool yourself.
Number Three: Sandals and Socks
I know, I know. This is gonna be a tough one to swallow for a lot of people; being that my boyfriend is filipino I know all about this. Honestly, it's so ugly and nasty looking and dirt mcgirt and lazy and...I forgot what my point was. Lets just say I don't like it.

I just want to make it clear that these things simply and only apply to me and my personal taste and manner of things. If it works for you and your comfortable with it, hey, who am I to judge, I'm not dating you so I probably won't notice anyway.

I might never wear sweats or sandals with socks and come off with a "holier that thou" attitude but not to worry I am still seven pounds heavier from the day I told myself I wanted to lose 10 pounds. haha

i got some work ahead of me

Blake Wright