than ever to pursue my dreams and my art. Doing mindless work for hours on end made me realize how much I love to create
and how much I would give up ($10/hour) to do what truly makes me happy. I am going to really apply myself and work hard and
make something of my talents and my life. The truth is that I'm young and sometimes impulsive but always passionate and I don't
want to be that person who is always complaining about their work and how much they hate it but is still their because they feel
they "need" to be. I don't "need" to do anything. Like Morgan Freedman said in that one movie "the only thing I need to do is be
black and die" hahaha a little out of context for me but you get the picture...
So with this post I inform everyone (all 3 people who read my blog) that I am no longer working at that store, which will go
unnamed, and I have several artistic opportunities lined up in my very near future.
I love life too much to be scared of it
big things love!